Friday, April 10, 2009

The Arrogant Apology Tour

I know this will come as a surprise to many, but I've had it with our arrogant buffoon of a president. This latest moronic apology tour should've been the last straw for any non-Obama-koolaid-drinker who thinks this guy gives one wit for the country he's supposed to represent.

He started out apologizing to Europe for American "arrogance." Let me see if I've got this straight: Because of America, Europeans are not doing the Nazi goose-step across the continent. Because of America, Europe can afford to coddle its citizenry in cradle-to-grave socialism because they haven't had to spend on their own defense. Because of America, Germany is no longer divided. Because of America, the wall came down. Because of America, the French can sniff autocratically and deny us the right to fly our warplanes over their airspace when we need to speedily attack a madman in Libya. Oh yes, how "arrogant" of us.

Next he moved on to Turkey where he felt the need to assure Muslims that we are not at war with Islam. Oh good, I guess ole George W. didn't make that clear as he bent over backwards to assure the world that Islam was a religion of peace. Beside W's rhetoric, America has done nothing but aid Muslims in the last few decades. First, Russia would never have been defeated in Afghanistan without American weapons that were smuggled to the mujaheddin (something we would later come to regret but that's beside the point). Then we tried to help feed starving Somalis which turned into Black Hawk down. Next we sided with the Muslims in Kosovo and bombed their enemies back to the stone age. Finally, we liberated millions of Muslims in two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) and helped them create constitutions that enshrined Sharia Law. Yep, it's a good thing that Obama was there to clarify this country's position vis-a-vie Islam.

With his latest tour, Obama has proven that he is nothing more than a narcissist that cares little for his country beyond it's usefulness as a foil to gain the world's love for himself. "Come on," the Obamabots will protest, "he shows his care for his country by improving its standing in the world." Okay, but the president is supposed to protect the interests of his country. So did Obama's groveling promote America's interests; did America gain anything with that "improved standing in the world?"

The answer, in a word, is nein or non or nyet or however you say "no" in Chinese or Turkish. When Europe was asked to pony up more troops for Afghanistan, we were rebuffed. When the Russians were asked to help with Iran, they assured us, "America has nothing to fear from Iran." When the Chinese were asked to help with the North Korean rocket, we got the cold shoulder.

Obama's apology tour shows that he views himself as more "a citizen of the world" than a citizen of America. He is clearly willing to abrogate America's interests in favor of the so-called "interests of the world." When he was elected, I feared that this would be Jimmy Carter's second term. Instead, it appears that it will be much worse than that. Heaven help us.

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