Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AIG Updates

My previous post addressed the sliminess of the leftist politicians who were "righteously indignant" over 160 million in bonuses for the AIG employees who "helped bring down our financial system." In the post I pointed out that the bonuses were retention bonuses meant to keep valuable employees around to help transition the company. Here is a letter from an AIG employee that is now resigning which backs up that contention and sheds more light on the situation: I Quit!

This whole situation clearly demonstrates the evil of the current administration and leftist politicians in Congress. And I use that term intentionally because that is what their actions are.

All of the politicians involved, including Barack Obama, knew the details of the bonuses. However, they couldn't pass up the opportunity to direct the public's anger towards innocent targets in order to weasel out of their political problems. Because of these unscrupulous politicians, the AIG employees and their families received death threats. There were protests at AIG and at the homes of AIG employees.

The media breathlessly covered these "protests" but they didn't tell us who was behind them. The protests at AIG offices was organized by big labor: the Service Workers Union. Why would the Service Workers Union be protesting AIG? Can you say political payback to the Democrats? Even more egregiously, who paid for the buses that transported "protesters" to AIG employees' homes? It was ACORN. That's right, the same organization that is under indictment in more than 20 states for vote fraud and to which Barack Obama's "stimulus plan" gives hundreds of millions of dollars.

In my previous post I gave a few reasons why I thought the slimy politicians were trying to whip up public outrage. However, since then I see an even more sinister design behind their manipulation of the public mood: in order to move to socialism and government control, the people must be made to hate our businessmen. This is borne out by Obama's expanded bank take-over plan. With business people out of the way, the government will be the only entity we can turn to in order to get out of our economic malaise. This is the evil that we've been warned against by many of our previous leaders, both political and ecclesiastical.

This must be fought; don't fall for their smoke screen.

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