Monday, March 16, 2009

By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them (Part 3)

Some Obama supporters hoped that, despite his ultra-liberal voting record in Congress, he would govern as a centrist. The early months of the Obama administration has shown this hope to be vain as he has incessantly pursued the radical leftist agenda that he has in mind for this country. While the leftist nature of the administration is alarming, even more alarming is the corruption and dishonesty of many of the administration's early actions.

Below are some of the more egregious Obama actions that I have noted over the weeks. I am not listing the actions in any particular order and I doubt that the list is exhaustive since the abominable actions of this administration are coming so quickly that they are hard to keep track of. I will revisit some of these in later blogs to flesh them out but I wanted to at least list them now.

Corruption of Obama Administration
  • Forced American taxpayers to finance foreign abortions (via executive order)

  • Nominated 4 tax cheats to cabinet (one confirmed)

  • Nominated (and confirmed) one (honestly) card-carrying Communist to cabinet

  • Nominated (and confirmed) Attorney General that facilitated pardons of Mark Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists. (I'll probably follow up with a blog about this slime-bag's latest assertion about Americans being cowards because we aren't blathering on about race.)

  • Nominated Bill Richardson for Commerce Secretary (later had to withdraw because of a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to a political donor - pay to play)

  • Forced passage of a 1000+-page bill that *not one Congressman* read that is little more than a leftist wish-list (I'll list the more outrageous provisions of the bill that we are currently aware of below.)

  • Politicized the census bureau (brought it into the White House)

  • Lie – Promise: “I will not sign a bill until it has been posted 5 days on the internet for everyone to view it.” Real Life: “Stimulus” pork bill is never posted to the internet and is signed the Monday after it is passed by both houses on Friday. The only reason it wasn’t signed immediately is because the first couple was off on vacation.

  • Lie - Assertion: The "stimulus" bill must be passed and signed quickly in order to avert impending "disaster." Real Life: Most of the spending in the "stimulus" bill will not take place until after this year so will have no affect in averting immediate "disaster."

  • Lie - Obama crowed proudly that the “stimulus” package contained no earmarks when it contains at least 9,000 earmarks.

  • Appointed numerous “czars” (high level administration officials) in order to get around Senate approval of administration appointments.

  • Appointed board of economic advisors that includes a union executive that twice plead the fifth in a money laundering probe (11 of 15 board members donated more than $1 Million to the Obama campaign – pay to play anyone?)

  • Lie – Claimed that he never discussed the replacement of his Senate seat with Illinois Gov. Blagojevich when there exists a news report from the time period that says that Obama was meeting with Blagojevich for that very reason. David Axelrod, a high-ranking campaign official said that Obama discussed his replacement with Blagojevich. He later said that he was “mistaken.” Right.

Contemptible "Stimulus" Bill Provisions
  • Rolls back the Clinton welfare reforms so that we will once again pay poor women to have kids without a father. These types of payments have been shown to be a major force behind the enormous black illegitimacy rate and the destruction of the black family. In fact, since the Clinton welfare reforms became law, the black illegitimacy rate has dropped from 70.4% to 68%. Now watch for that rate to go back up.

  • Creates a medical information czar (whole bureaucracy actually) to second-guess your doctor.

  • Gives over $4 billion to ACORN, a group under investigation for vote fraud in almost every state in the union. Obama's ties to this evil group deserve a blog of their own; hopefully I'll have time to do it.

  • As Rick Santelli (CNBC financial reporter), puts it, it promotes bad behavior. See his report here.

  • Puts us further down the road towards socialism (read Ezra Taft Benson to see the evil socialism)

Hypocrisy of Obama (we follow the rules but he doesn't have to)
  • Gave speech during election that said that Americans must learn that we can't keep our thermostats at 72 year round and then keeps the thermostat in the White House high enough that, according to one administration insider: "it's so warm in there that you could grow orchids."

  • Talks about everyone needing to take responsibility but he refuses to do so, constantly blaming the Bush administration for the current mess. Plus, ramming through a bill without giving it the time to be debated is responsible government?

  • He and his wife lectured us that we need to be more charitable and involved with the community when he and his wife gave less than 1% of their riches to charity and did no community service without being paid for it.

  • Signed executive order forbidding any former lobbyists in high administration posts, and then nominated/appointed more than a dozen such lobbyists.

  • Decried "pay-to-play" Chicago politics when he participated in them. Of course, his Chicago mansion and Michelle's 6-figure hospital job had nothing to do with politics. Never mind the Rezko connection with the mansion and the fact that since Michelle left her job, it has not been filled to this date. (This definitely deserves its own post.)

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