Sunday, March 15, 2009

By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them (Part 1)

Note: I remain totally amazed at the number of good, hard-working people that voted for and still support Obama. I don't believe that these people would ever have supported this corrupt man if it weren't for the media's dereliction of its duty. Anyone depending on the "main-stream" media for their information is largely ignorant of Barack Obama's shady past. See here... By exposing this man's white-washed past, I hope to show that he is "a corrupt tree" that must be resisted via all avenues provided by our constitution.

Three Four Cheers for Infanticide

Barack Obama has consistently been an unabashed defender of abortion rights, no matter the gestational period. NARAL has given him nothing but "perfect" grades on his legislative record with respect to abortion since he has never voted to limit abortion. He was also a cosponsor (and has promised to sign into law if it passes while he is president) of the "Freedom of Choice" bill that would declare abortion to be a fundamental right. This bill would undo all the progress made by the right-to-life groups and would out-law parental-consent state laws, restrictions on abortions during certain gestational periods, partial-birth abortion bans, etc. This alone should be enough to disqualify him as a suitable candidate for any voter that values life, but his support of infanticide should definitely put him out of the running.

Obama voted four times against bills in the Illinois Senate that would've protected infants that were delivered alive after a "botched" abortion attempt. When this information first came to light, the Obama camp tried to float the excuse that he opposed the bills because they were back-door attempts to limit abortion. That excuse had to be shelved, however, when it came to light that the fourth bill was equivalent to a bill that passed the US Congress on a unanimous vote. With that excuse out the window, Obama then tried to say that Illinois law already protected infants born after "botched" abortions. A brief look at the Illinois events that caused these bills to come up will blow that last excuse out of the water.

In 1998, Jill Stanek, a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, held a 22-week old infant boy with Down Syndrome and sadly watched him die. The baby had been born alive after an induced-delivery abortion. This was not an isolated occurrence. Stanek says that she is personally aware of 4 infants that were born alive and allowed to die and hospital spokeswoman Sue Reimbold confirmed that the hospital performs 10-20 induced-delivery abortions a year and that 10-20 percent of those abortions result in live births.

An article detailing the above events in the Chicago Sun-Times contained a quote from the District Attorney that said the he could find no law that was broken by the hospital as it allowed unwanted infants to die. If the DA knows of no law that enforces the protection of these infants (I could no longer find the Sun-Times article online but I did find a reiteration from the DA here that no law was broken), what law is Obama talking about?

There is an Illinois statute that requires that an infant born alive as a result of a failed abortion be given medical attention if, in the opinion of the aborting physician, the infant is viable. The idea that this flimsy law would protect these infants stretches credulity and is shown by the events at Christ Hospital to be faulty at best. In order to address the obvious shortcomings of this law, a companion bill to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced in the Illinois legislature. This bill required that when an infant is born alive after a failed abortion, another physician must be brought in to determine the viability of the infant. Obama voted against both bills and argued against the companion bill on the floor of the Senate. The audio clip of his argument can be found here. So, a matter of life and death is not important enough for Obama to "burden" the mother or the aborting doctor. How is this any different than supporting infanticide?

The Savior said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. ... A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." So what were the reasons again for supporting Obama?

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